Tuesday, 6 January 2015

New Year, New Jobs

Since our last post, four of our apprentices have gained full time roles within Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service.  Sophie Williams was the first successful apprentice and she is now working as a Community Safety Advisor at Salford & Trafford. Soon after Matt Alsop, Michel Dunn and Tony Maunder received their Community Safety Advisor roles across the different boroughs in Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service. They are all incredibly happy and proud of what they have achieved over the last ten months and are settling into to work life in their new roles.

 “The movement from apprentice to a full time CSA with GMFRS is an incredible opportunity and very exciting. The responsibility of the role and working in a new borough is already helping me to develop even more with new experiences every day” - Michel Dunn  

Good luck and fingers crossed for the remaining apprentices, the future is bright.  

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