Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Down with the kids....

Post by Apprentice CSA: Gary Manville

On Wednesday Caitlin Alcock and I were invited to speak to parents at the Westfield Children’s Centre in Wigan. While we was there they showed us around the centre which was built only 7 years ago and I must admit that I wish I had went to that school as a child. They have their own climbing wall built in to the centre, they take the children out canoeing along with other adventure skills and this is also a primary school.

While we were there, they invited us to climb the wall which admittedly, we both jumped at the opportunity. ( I ensured the camera was off to avoid seeing me falling through the air) After I’d got back down I realised Caitlin was still on the way up, she wasn’t scared of heights, she just thought the rope wouldn’t take her weight.

After Caitlin had got down, we went back to work providing fire safety advice and booking home safety check for parents of the children at the sessions. Speaking to several of the parents, I found out more and more about not only the centres sporting activities, but what they can do to help the people there.

I must admit, I quite enjoyed the children’s entertainer they sent as Caitlin and I were fascinated by the magic tricks and how he had done them. Shortly after this act however, once the music started, the children decided it was time for us to dance and this was followed on by taking Caitlin and I into the middle of the room to dance with them. I’m quite sure there are going to be a few parents thinking we looked quite funny trying to dance along to Gangnam Style.

More characters were introduced towards the end of the session with Buzz Lightyear and Spongebob Squarepants turning up to join in. It’s just a shame we didn’t have Cracker there representing the fire service. However, a big thank you to all the kids, the volunteers and everyone else who came along and made it such a good day...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you really do this at half five in the morning? Enjoying the blog keep up the information flow :-)