Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Dom's Story

Written by Apprentice Business Safety Advisor Laura Broughton

Dom Traynor, our Business Safety Advisor for Bury, Oldham and Rochdale first had contact with Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service when he was just 9 years old. Dom had won a competition for ‘Spot the Kitchen Fire Hazards’ with Ashton Fire Station and he won a DVD player!

10 years on, Dom became a volunteer for GMFRS where he assisted members of staff with a range of events and activities. He gained valuable knowledge of the uniformed services in the public sector and went on to apply for an apprenticeship.

Dom has studied A Levels in Business, Administration and Finance, Graphic Design, Law and Geography and was offered a place at the University of Leeds to study International Relations and Global Development. He declined this opportunity to seek employment within Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service.

This is the apprentices fourth month working on station. Dom’s highlights have been working with other members of GMFRS to see how different departments work. He has enjoyed working with operational fire fighters to get an insight to what they do on a day to day basis.

‘The past four months have opened my eyes to the organisation from the inside’

Dom would like to stay on with GMFRS in the future within Fire Protection. However he has future aspirations to become a Fire Fighter or a Police Officer within Greater Manchester.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Princes Trust Evening

Written by Laura Broughton, Business Safety Advisor Apprentice

Apprentices have been working with the Princes Trust teams over the past few months. At the end of each twelve week course there is a presentation evening to highlight the young people’s achievements and show family members and friends how far they have come. It is a brilliant evening and allows everyone to hear the people’s personal stories and also allow them to understand the impact that the Prince’s Trust has had on each individual.

Lee Waddicor, Sophie Williams and I attended the presentation evening at the JJ Bell Stadium along with ex apprentices from Eccles and Manchester.

Sophie Williams an ex Princes Trust team member has supported and worked with the team throughout the twelve week course. It was great to see what an impact she had on the individuals, as she was mentioned in several of their speeches.

Lee Waddicor was involved in interviewing each potential member who applied to become part of the Princes Trust Team back in February. On the evening Lee delivered an inspirational speech about his journey, doing all fellow colleagues proud.

If you would like to find more information about the Princes Trust or would like to apply for a place on one of our life changing courses visit;

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

You’re on your own

Written by Apprentice Business Safety Advisor Laura Broughton

Manchester Central based Business Safety advisor apprentice Lee Waddicor has been given the opportunity to go out into the business community and follow up complaints and give fire safety advice to businesses across Manchester.
Lee has been working with the Protection team in Manchester for just under three months and has progressed to such a level that he is confident to talk to individuals about keeping themselves and the public safe whilst out shopping, relaxing or eating out.

On speaking to Lee about this fantastic opportunity he said,
"The experience was a real test if anything. It felt brilliant to have the independence to be able to deal with this issue alone.
"It was terrifying at first but as I got there I managed to keep calm and handle the situation. It gave me  a real confidence boost and I know for certain I would be able to go out independently a lot more."